
As a voluntary organisation we are dependent on a donations and a small Coastguard grant to cover our running costs each year. Our 2011 grant has been reduced by 30% which is on top of a 10% cut in 2010. Our annual costs include training, insurance for the team and equipment, running costs of 2 rescue vehicles, updating / replacement of equipment etc. Currently we have a number of the more urgent equipment requirements:
- New Vacuum mattress – Approx €650
- Training a Team Member as a EMT €2500
- Essential maintenance work within our base €1500
- REC 3 training for new Members – Approx €100 / Person
- Suitcase generator – Approx €1300
In 2010 Sligo County Council has provided us with a building within the old jail complex, formally part of the council yard. This is being used to store our vehicles and equipment and will act as a base of operations during a call out when necessary. Facilities within it are currently very basic and we need to undertake additional work to bring it up to the necessary standard for our work. This includes connection to water mains, construction of a secure storage area where we can store equipment and medical supplies, further development of office radio communications and construction of a drying area for gear. But we are currently unable to undertake this work due to limited resources.
By making a donation you will directly assist us to spend more time training instead of fundraising. By sponsoring a piece of equipment you will directly assist us in providing the highest standard of care to those in need. Below are details on how to make a donation. We’re grateful for any and all assistance you provide us.
How to Donate to the Team
You can donate to the team in a number of ways.
By Cheque, Postal order etc.
If you would like to send us a donation then you can post it to the team at;
Sligo Leitrim Mountain Rescue Team,
17 St Johns Terrace,
Donation via iDonate
Using this button